The Axtmayer Family Cancer Fund
Established in 2011 for patient education, patient services, patient treatment, research in cancer and blood disorders.
Hi friends and family,
Patricia Hayes Axtmayer, one of the kindest humans to walk the earth, died at 70 on October 20, 2021, after enduring two years of cancer treatment.
Pat was a nurse, Red Cross Volunteer, blood and platelet donor, mom, mentor, grandmother, sister, lover of libraries, dog rescuer, and the woman who dedicated her days to making other people happy.
She raised four children, Alfredo, Patrick, Aileen, and Caitlin, and fostered them with the mentality to give back to the world.
Those children, along with her five grandchildren, and the community she has impacted so greatly, will continue her legacy of kindness.
As she has given during life, she will continue to give after life. Pat has donated her body to Quinnipiac Medical School. Services will be held in the coming days. In lieu of flowers, friends and family are encouraged to make a charitable donation to The Axtmayer Family Cancer Fund.
How do you donate?
Click on the button below. Gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Thank you in advance for your support.
Alfredo, Patrick, Aileen and Caitlin
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