Recent News
Protecting our Air, Land and Water ›
After decades of effort, the health of Long Island Sound is beginning show signs of improvement. But long stretches of coastal waters remain imperiled by pollution. Connecticut Fund for the Environment/Save The Sound is on a mission to clean them and continue protecting the region's air, water and land.
Planting Trees and Growing Community Leaders ›
For more than two decades, Urban Resources Initiative and the Community Greenspace program has helped volunteers around the city create safe and livable neighborhoods.
Stopping Hunger with Summer Meals ›
End Hunger Connecticut! leads a statewide campaign to help schools keep cafeterias open and offering free meals throughout the summer.
The New Haven Diaper Bank Helps Families in Need ›
For more than a decade, the New Haven Diaper Bank has helped lead a national movement to fill a hole in the safety net and expand society's definition of basic human needs.