Local Snapshot
Greater New Haven is healthy by national standards, but diabetes, obesity, smoking rates and other health concerns remain high within underserved neighborhoods.
Dive Into The Issues
The aging baby boomer generation is contributing to unprecedented demographic changes in the region and nationwide.
Philanthropy and disease prevention: A long partnership ›
As the budget for the National Institutes of Health has stagnated in recent years, the importance of philanthropic support of medical research has grown.
Connecticut Plan to Improve Birth Outcomes ›
The Connecticut Plan to Improve Birth Outcomes includes detailed policy recommendations and priorities to eliminate health disparities related to social inequalities with the goal of lowering the rates of preterm and low-weight births and infant mortality.
In Greater New Haven, fathers are coming together to overcome barriers and be involved in their children's lives.
The Foundation's support of health organizations and projects benefit some of the most vulnerable members of our community - the chronically mental ill and homeless, elderly, recent immigrants, and formerly incarcerated individuals.
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Supporting Daily Living
East Rock Village provides residents of portions of New Haven, Hamden, and North Haven with the opportunities, services, and confidence they need to remain active participants in the life of the community, living their lives to the fullest as they grow older in the comfort of their own homes.
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