Donors Are Not Checkbooks

They are people imagining and investing in our community. What kind of future do you imagine?
By Angela G. Powers / August 17, 2016

In the current issue of the Chronicle for Philanthropy, author Megan O'Neil pays tribute to John Hennessey, the retiring President of Stanford University. Hennessey is leaving his post after 16 years and raising $12 Billion in gifts. The fundraising "titan" says that philanthropy is an indispensable tool for investing in ideas and institutions that generate social returns.

We certainly know that to be true at The Community Foundation - both in our role as a funder of fantastic organizations and programs and as a provider of charitable solutions, helping local philanthropists support their favorite causes in smart ways.

To me, Hennessey's wisdom can be summed up in two words: relationships and impact.

Donors are not checkbooks, but people with hearts and brains imagining what their gifts can do and investing in people who inspire their trust and work with them to realize results.

Our community of donors is no different.

Philanthropy is an integral part of our Greater New Haven community and has been for many generations.

Do you have ideas for how we can ensure philanthropy remains strong in our region and involves the next generation?

We want to hear from you!