Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation

Help support the PLF mission.

Coming together, collectively, to build a brighter future for and with the Latino/a/x living in Greater New Haven is what the Progreso Latino Fund (PLF) is all about.

For almost 20 years, PLF has brought people together to talk about important issues, to honor Latino/a/x leaders and to support the many nonprofits addressing the needs in our community.

Joe Rodriguez, recently featured in our Celebrating Latino Leaders series.
PLF shares inspiring stories of Latino/a/x leaders and supports others in the community who are leading the way in meeting the needs of the Latino/a/x community.
2022 PLF Founding Funders scholarship recipient Arianna Adorno.

Honoring its founding members, the PLF Advisory Committee awards two annual scholarships to New Haven Latino/a/x students through the New Haven Scholarship Fund.

A traditional dance at Spanish Community of Wallingford.

Through grant making and The Great Give 2022 — the annual 36-hour giving event to benefit Greater New Haven nonprofits — PLF provided almost $20,000 to nonprofit organizations who have significant impact on our community.

We invite you to join us, Unidos, during National Hispanic Heritage Month in supporting the Progreso Latino Fund. After two years apart, we want to emerge with more opportunities to celebrate, learn, and support our community … together.

Thank you!

Tara Davila and Yadira Ijeh, Co-Chairs
Progreso Latino Fund Advisory Committee

Gifts of any size are appreciated.