Transportation Barriers to Employment
In thousands Greater New Haven households, the primary wage earners have no way to travel to a majority of the jobs in the region. Either they do not have a car or public transportation will not take them where they would need to go, according to the report, How Transportation Problems Keep People Out of the Workforce in Greater New Haven.
In thousands Greater New Haven households, the primary wage earners have no way to travel to a majority of the jobs in the region. They either do not have a car or public transportation will not take them where they would need to go.
These and other findings are detailed in the report, How Transportation Problems Keep People Out of the Workforce in Greater New Haven. The report was the result of the work of the New Haven Job Access and Transportation Working Group, a partnership of the Greater New Haven Branch of the NAACP, the South Central Regional Council of Governments, the Workforce Alliance, and DataHaven.
The report recommends that transportation equity should be a high priority in planning and policy-making to fix a system that leaves the poor and unemployed unable to move forward.