SVPCT New Haven Fund
Est. 2019 by Donald M. Kendall Jr.,
Board Chair of Social Venture Partners Connecticut
In June of 2019, Social Venture Partners Connecticut created a donor advised fund at The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven to help support its mission and services in Greater New Haven.
SVP Connecticut works with innovative organizations operating in Connecticut whose mission is to narrow the Opportunity Gap in Connecticut. This also includes supporting cross sector initiatives to provide work or educational opportunities for disadvantaged families.
SVP does more than give away money. It amplifies the impact of those out to do good in two distinct ways:
- Connect and engage individuals, helping them make the greatest impact with their philanthropic giving.
- Fund and strengthen nonprofits and socially minded organizations, helping them take their vital work for the community to the next level.
To support the work of the SVP Connecticut's work in Greater New Haven, complete the credit card processing form below.
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