Coming Together In Uncertain Times
As part of our work with donors this year, The Foundation hosted a series of briefings about issues of importance to the wellbeing of our community.
2017 Briefing Series Keeps Donors Informed
The June breifing on Immigration featured (left to right) moderator Kica Matos with panelists Sister Mary Ellen Burns, Suzanne Lagarde and Ana Maria Rivera-Forastier. |
As part of our work with donors this year, The Foundation hosted a series of briefings about issues of importance to the wellbeing of our community.
These gatherings explored a number of topics including racial and health disparities, immigration, nonprofit journalism, arts sustainability, health care access and mission-related investing. The events featured nonprofit leaders with expertise in each subject matter.
One donor, after learning about state cuts to organizations, made a large gift to The Foundation's COMMUNITY, NOW MORE THAN EVER Fund for immediate use. Her decision was inspired by her former minister who was once a prisoner of war.
"He would say that when the prisoners got over their idea of taking as much food as was their share, and instead took only as much as they needed, then there was enough food for those who needed it the most."
For more information on our Donor Briefing series, please contact Dotty Weston-Murphy.