Recent News
A Solid Education Starts Early ›
The West Haven Child Development Center has been recognized by the Let's Move initiative as a center of excellence in 2012 and 2014.
Substance Abuse: A Mental Health Issue ›
Dependency on drugs and/or alcohol is a treatable, chronic disease that frequently co-occurs with one or more other mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety or schizophrenia.
But stigma, whether imposed by others or self-perceived, is keeping many substance users from trying new therapies, leading to the strong likelihood of a further decline in their mental health.
But stigma is keeping many substance users from getting help.
Celebrating 20 Years of Arts, Ideas and Community ›
Great performances are expected at The International Festival of Arts and Ideas in 2015
New Haven Students Benefit from Rowing Program ›
The Canal Dock Boathouse Inc. is bringing the sport of rowing, and all the physical and mental discipline that goes with it, to high school students in New Haven.